Refugees are people fleeing conflict or persecution. They are defined and protected in international law, and must not be expelled or returned to situations where their life and freedom are at risk.
According to the latest figures communicated by the Government in October 2020, on which consultations are ongoing, 5000000 refugees live in Iran, Additionally, it is estimated that some 2 million undocumented Afghans and nearly 600,000 Afghan-passport holders live in Iran – it is expected that a significant number of those individuals continue to have international protection needs.

The Norwegian Refugee Council says some 300,000 Afghans have sought shelter in Iran since the Taliban took power in August. Meanwhile, the UN Migration Agency IOM reports show over a million Afghans have already been sent back from Iran.
Aid agencies say that thousands of Afghans are fleeing Taliban rule and heading into neighboring Iran every day. But just as thousands arrive, Iran is busy sending many of them back to Afghanistan, according to the news agency Associated Press (AP).
Between 4,000 and 5,000 Afghans are fleeing to Iran each day through informal border crossings, according to the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).
- Between January and August 2021, an estimated 10000 refugees and migrants arrived in Iran, a 95 per cent increase compared to the same period in 2020.
- This trend is likely to continue in 2022.The current number includes 3000 children, among whom 2000 are unaccompanied or separated. Children on the move remain one of the most vulnerable groups requiring sustained and urgent care and protection in 2022.
- The COVID-19 pandemic has set back years of progress in advancing children’s health, education and protection.
- These and other socioeconomic impacts have stretched country capacities to sustain and respond to the humanitarian needs of refugees and migrants.
Prospects of HAMI Association for 2022
- Now more than ever, HAMI must continue to work with other United Nations agencies and partners to support communities to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 and protect the rights of children and families on the move.
- In 2022, HAMI requires a reliable help from government an international communities to support refugee and migrant children and families arriving IRAN and are in need to have access to health, nutrition, protection, , as well as education services.